The neighborhood (nh) accessor

The neighborhood accessor provides several functions associated with cellular neighborhoods.

class spatialproteomics.nh.neighborhood.NeighborhoodAccessor(xarray_obj)

Adds functions for cellular neighborhoods.

add_neighborhood_obs(features: str | List[str] = ['degree', 'homophily', 'inter_label_connectivity', 'diversity_index'])

Adds neighborhood observations to the object by computing network features from the adjacency matrix. This method requires the networkx package to be installed. It checks if the adjacency matrix is present in the object, constructs a graph from the adjacency matrix, and computes network features. :param features: The network features to compute. Possible features are [‘degree’, ‘closeness_centrality’, ‘betweenness_centrality’, ‘homophily’, ‘inter_label_connectivity’, ‘diversity_index’]. :type features: str or List[str], optional

  • ImportError – If the networkx package is not installed.

  • AssertionError – If the adjacency matrix is not found in the object.


The adjacency matrix should be computed and stored in the object before calling this method. You can compute the adjacency matrix using methods from the nh module, such as nh.compute_neighborhoods_radius().

add_neighborhoods_from_dataframe(df: DataFrame, neighborhood_col: str = 'neighborhood', colors: list | None = None, names: list | None = None) Dataset

Add neighborhoods to the dataset from a DataFrame.

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – DataFrame containing neighborhood information.

  • neighborhood_col (str, optional) – Column name in the DataFrame that contains neighborhood labels, by default ‘neighborhood’.

  • colors (list or None, optional) – List of colors for the neighborhoods, by default None. If None, random colors will be assigned.

  • names (list or None, optional) – List of names for the neighborhoods, by default None. If None, default names will be assigned.


Updated dataset with neighborhood information added.

Return type:



AssertionError – If neighborhood properties are already present in the object. If the number of neighborhoods does not match the number of cells. If the specified column does not exist in the DataFrame. If neighborhoods contain negative values. If the length of colors does not match the number of unique neighborhoods. If the length of names does not match the number of unique neighborhoods.

add_properties(array: ndarray | list, prop: str = '_neighborhoods') Dataset

Adds neighborhood properties to the image container.

  • array (Union[np.ndarray, list]) – An array or list of properties to be added to the image container.

  • prop (str, optional) – The name of the property. Default is Features.NEIGHBORHOODS.


The updated image container with added properties.

Return type:


compute_graph_features(features: str | List[str] = ['num_nodes', 'num_edges', 'density', 'modularity', 'assortativity'])

Compute various graph features from the adjacency matrix of the data.


features (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – A single feature or a list of features to compute. Valid features are: “num_nodes”, “num_edges”, “density”, “modularity”, “assortativity”. Default is [“num_nodes”, “num_edges”, “density”, “modularity”, “assortativity”].


A dictionary where keys are the names of the computed features and values are the corresponding feature values.

Return type:


  • ImportError – If the networkx package is not installed.

  • AssertionError – If required layers (OBS, LA_PROPERTIES, ADJACENCY_MATRIX) are not found in the object. If no valid features are provided. If the LABELS feature is not found in the observation layer.


This method requires the networkx package to be installed. If you want to compute the modularity of the network, you will also need to install the python-louvain package.

compute_neighborhoods_delaunay(include_center: bool = True, key_added: str = '_neighborhoods', key_adjacency_matrix: str = '_adjacency_matrix')

Compute the neighborhoods of each cell based on a Delaunay triangulation.

This method identifies the neighbors for each cell and computes the frequency of each cell type within these k neighbors.

  • include_center (bool, optional) – Whether to include the center cell in the neighborhood. Default is True.

  • key_added (str, optional) – The key under which the computed neighborhoods will be stored in the resulting DataArray. Default is ‘_neighborhoods’.

  • key_adjacency_matrix (str, optional) – The key under which the computed adjacency matrix will be stored in the resulting DataArray. Default is ‘_adjacency_matrix’.


A merged xarray Dataset containing the original data and the computed neighborhoods.

Return type:


compute_neighborhoods_knn(k=10, include_center: bool = True, key_added: str = '_neighborhoods', key_adjacency_matrix: str = '_adjacency_matrix')

Compute the neighborhoods of each cell based on k-nearest neighbors.

This method identifies the k-nearest neighbors for each cell and computes the frequency of each cell type within these k neighbors.

  • k (int, optional) – The number of nearest neighbors to consider. Default is 10.

  • include_center (bool, optional) – Whether to include the center cell in the neighborhood. Default is True.

  • key_added (str, optional) – The key under which the computed neighborhoods will be stored in the resulting DataArray. Default is ‘_neighborhoods’.

  • key_adjacency_matrix (str, optional) – The key under which the computed adjacency matrix will be stored in the resulting DataArray. Default is ‘_adjacency_matrix’.


A merged xarray Dataset containing the original data and the computed neighborhoods.

Return type:


compute_neighborhoods_radius(radius: int = 100, include_center: bool = True, key_added: str = '_neighborhoods', key_adjacency_matrix: str = '_adjacency_matrix')

Compute the neighborhoods of each cell based on a specified radius.

This method defines a radius around each cell and identifies all cells within this radius. It then examines the predicted cell types of these cells, including the center cell itself, and computes the frequency of each cell type.

  • radius (int, optional) – The radius around each cell to define the neighborhood (in pixels). Default is 100.

  • include_center (bool, optional) – Whether to include the center cell in the neighborhood. Default is True.

  • key_added (str, optional) – The key under which the computed neighborhoods will be stored in the resulting DataArray. Default is ‘_neighborhoods’.

  • key_adjacency_matrix (str, optional) – The key under which the computed adjacency matrix will be stored in the resulting DataArray. Default is ‘_adjacency_matrix’.


A merged xarray Dataset containing the original data and the computed neighborhoods.

Return type:



Deselect specific neighborhood indices from the data object.

This method deselects specific neighborhood indices from the data object, effectively removing them from the selection. The deselection can be performed using slices, lists, tuples, or individual integers.


indices (slice, list, tuple, or int) – The neighborhood indices to be deselected. Can be a slice, list, tuple, or an individual integer.


The updated data object with the deselected neighborhood indices.

Return type:



  • The function uses ‘indices’ to specify which neighborhoods to deselect.

  • ‘indices’ can be provided as slices, lists, tuples, or an integer.

  • The function then updates the data object to remove the deselected neighborhood indices.

set_neighborhood_colors(neighborhoods: str | List[str], colors: str | List[str], suppress_warnings: bool = False)

Set the color of a specific neighborhood.

This method sets the ‘color’ of a specific neighborhood identified by the ‘neighborhood’. The ‘neighborhood’ can be either a neighborhood ID or the name of the neighborhood.

  • label (int or str) – The ID or name of the neighborhood whose color will be updated.

  • color (any) – The new color to be assigned to the specified neighborhood.

  • suppress_warnings (bool, optional) – Whether to suppress warnings. Default is False.

Return type:



  • The function converts the ‘neighborhood’ from its name to the corresponding ID for internal processing.

  • It updates the color of the neighborhood in the data object to the new ‘color’.

set_neighborhood_name(neighborhoods: int | str | List, names: str | List)

Set the name of one or more neighborhoods.

This method updates the ‘name’ of specific neighborhoods identified by the ‘neighborhood’. The ‘neighborhoods’ can be a single neighborhood ID or name, or a list of IDs/names. Similarly, the ‘names’ parameter can be a single string or a list of strings.

  • neighborhoods (int, str, or list) – The ID(s) or name(s) of the neighborhoods whose names will be updated.

  • names (str or list) – The new name(s) to be assigned to the specified neighborhoods.

Return type:



  • When both parameters are lists, their lengths must match.

  • The function converts each ‘neighborhood’ from its name to the corresponding ID for internal processing.

  • It updates the name(s) of the neighborhood(s) in the data object to the new ‘name(s)’.