The plot (pl) accessor

The plotting accessor provides several plotting functions.


Adds plotting functions to the image container.

add_box(xlim: List[int], ylim: List[int], color: str = 'w', linewidth: float = 2, ax=None)

Adds a box to the current plot.

  • xlim (List[int]) – The x-bounds of the box [xstart, xstop].

  • ylim (List[int]) – The y-bounds of the box [ymin, ymax].

  • color (str, optional) – The color of the box. Default is “w” (white).

  • linewidth (float, optional) – The linewidth of the box. Default is 2.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes, optional) – The matplotlib axis to plot on. If not provided, the current axis will be used.


The updated spatialproteomics object.

Return type



  • The function adds a rectangular box to the current plot with specified x and y bounds.

  • The box can be customized using the ‘color’ and ‘linewidth’ parameters.

annotate(variable: str = 'cell', layer_key: str = '_obs', highlight: list = [], text_kwargs: dict = {'color': 'w', 'fontsize': 12}, highlight_kwargs: dict = {'color': 'w', 'fontsize': 16, 'fontweight': 'bold'}, bbox: Optional[List] = None, format_string: str = '', ax=None) Dataset

Annotates cells with their respective number on the plot.

  • variable (str, optional) – The feature in the observation table to be used for cell annotation. Default is “cell”.

  • layer_key (str, optional) – The key representing the layer in the data object. Default is Layers.OBS.

  • highlight (list, optional) – A list containing cell IDs to be highlighted in the plot.

  • text_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments passed to matplotlib’s text function for normal cell annotations.

  • highlight_kwargs (dict, optional) – Similar to ‘text_kwargs’ but specifically for the cell IDs passed via ‘highlight’.

  • bbox (Union[List, None], optional) – A list containing bounding box coordinates [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] to annotate cells only within the box. Default is None, which annotates all cells.

  • format_string (str, optional) – The format string used to format the cell annotation text. Default is “” (no formatting).

  • ax (matplotlib.axes, optional) – The matplotlib axis to plot on. If not provided, the current axis will be used.


The updated image container.

Return type



  • The function annotates cells with their respective values from the selected feature.

  • You can highlight specific cells in the plot using the ‘highlight’ parameter.

  • Bounding box coordinates can be provided via ‘bbox’ to annotate cells only within the specified box.

  • ‘format_string’ can be used to format the cell annotation text (e.g., “{t:.2f}” for float formatting).

autocrop(padding: int = 50, downsample: int = 10, key: str = '_image', channel: Optional[str] = None) Dataset

Crop the image so that the background surrounding the tissue/TMA gets cropped away.

Parameters: - padding (int): The padding to be added around the cropped image in pixels. Default is 50. - downsample (int): The downsampling factor for the image. Default is 10. - key (str): The key of the image to be cropped. Default is Layers.IMAGE. - channel (str, optional): The channel used for cropping. Default is None, which defaults to using the first available channel.

Returns: - obj.pp (object): The cropped image.

colorize(colors: List[str] = ['#e6194B', '#3cb44b', '#ffe119', '#4363d8', '#f58231', '#911eb4', '#42d4f4', '#f032e6', '#bfef45', '#fabed4', '#469990', '#dcbeff', '#9A6324', '#fffac8', '#800000', '#aaffc3', '#808000', '#ffd8b1', '#000075', '#a9a9a9'], background: str = 'black', normalize: bool = True, merge: bool = True) Dataset

Colorizes a stack of images.

  • colors (List[str], optional) – A list of strings that denote the color of each channel. Default is [“C0”, “C1”, “C2”, “C3”].

  • background (str, optional) – Background color of the colorized image. Default is “black”.

  • normalize (bool, optional) – Normalize the image prior to colorizing it. Default is True.

  • merge (True, optional) – Merge the channel dimension. Default is True.


  • xr.Dataset – The image container with the colorized image stored in Layers.PLOT.

  • Example Usage

  • ————–

  • >>> ds.pp[‘PAX5’, ‘CD3’].pl.colorize([‘red’, ‘green’])

imshow(legend_image: bool = False, legend_segmentation: bool = False, legend_label: bool = False, legend_obs: bool = False, downsample: int = 1, legend_kwargs: dict = {'framealpha': 1}, segmentation_kwargs: dict = {}, ax=None)

Plots the image after rendering certain layers. Meant to be used in conjunction with pl.colorize(), pl.render_segmentation and pl.render_label(). For a more high level wrapper, please refer to instead.

  • legend_image (bool, optional) – Show the legendf for the channels. Default is False.

  • legend_segmentation (bool, optional) – Show the legend for the segmentation. Default is False.

  • legend_label (bool, optional) – Show the labels. Default is False.

  • legend_obs (bool, optional) – Show the observation colorbar. Default is False.

  • downsample (int, optional) – Downsample factor for the image. Default is 1.

  • legend_kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments for configuring the legend. Default is {“framealpha”: 1}.

  • segmentation_kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments for rendering the segmentation, e. g. colors when rendering multiple segmentation channels. Default is {}.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes, optional) – The matplotlib axis to plot on. If not provided, the current axis will be used.


The updated image container.

Return type



  • The function is used to plot images in conjunction with ‘im.colorize’ and ‘la.render_label’.

  • The appearance of the plot and the inclusion of legends can be controlled using the respective parameters.

render_labels(alpha: float = 1.0, alpha_boundary: float = 1.0, mode: str = 'inner', override_color: Optional[str] = None) Dataset

Renders cell type labels on the plot.

  • alpha (float, optional) – The transparency of the labels. Defaults to 1.0.

  • alpha_boundary (float, optional) – The transparency of the label boundaries. Defaults to 1.0.

  • mode (str, optional) – The mode of rendering. Can be “inner” or “outer”. Defaults to “inner”.

  • override_color (str, optional) – The color to override the label colors. Defaults to None.


The modified dataset with rendered labels.

Return type



AssertionError – If no labels are found in the object.


  • This method requires labels to be present in the object. Add labels first using la.predict_cell_types_argmax() or tl.astir().

  • The mode parameter determines whether the labels are rendered inside or outside the label boundaries.

  • The override_color parameter can be used to override the label colors with a single color.

render_segmentation(layer_key: str = '_segmentation', colors: List[str] = ['white', '#e6194B', '#3cb44b', '#ffe119', '#4363d8', '#f58231', '#911eb4', '#42d4f4', '#f032e6', '#bfef45', '#fabed4', '#469990', '#dcbeff', '#9A6324', '#fffac8', '#800000', '#aaffc3', '#808000', '#ffd8b1', '#000075', '#a9a9a9'], alpha: float = 0.0, alpha_boundary: float = 1.0, mode: str = 'inner') Dataset

Renders the segmentation mask with optional alpha blending and boundary rendering.

  • layer_key (str, optional) – The key of the layer containing the segmentation mask. Default is Layers.SEGMENTATION.

  • colors (List[str], optional) – A list of colors to be used for rendering the segmentation mask. Default is [‘white’].

  • alpha (float, optional) – The alpha value for blending the segmentation mask with the plot. Default is 0.0.

  • alpha_boundary (float, optional) – The alpha value for rendering the boundary of the segmentation mask. Default is 1.0.

  • mode (str, optional) – The mode for rendering the segmentation mask. Possible values are “inner” and “outer”. Default is “inner”.


The modified xarray Dataset.

Return type



AssertionError – If no segmentation layer is found in the object.


  • The segmentation mask must be added to the object before calling this method.

  • The segmentation mask is expected to have a single channel with integer labels.

  • The rendered segmentation mask will be added as a new layer to the object.

scatter(feature: str, palette: Optional[dict] = None, legend: bool = True, layer_key: str = '_obs', size: float = 1.0, alpha: float = 0.9, zorder: int = 10, ax=None, legend_kwargs: dict = {'framealpha': 1}, scatter_kws: dict = {}) Dataset

Create a scatter plot of some feature. At the moment, only categorical features are supported.

Parameters: - feature (str): The feature to be plotted. - palette (dict, optional): A dictionary mapping feature values to colors. If not provided, a default palette will be used. - legend (bool, optional): Whether to show the legend. Default is True. - layer_key (str, optional): The key of the layer to be plotted. Default is Layers.OBS. - size (float, optional): The size of the scatter points. Default is 1.0. - alpha (float, optional): The transparency of the scatter points. Default is 0.9. - zorder (int, optional): The z-order of the scatter points. Default is 10. - ax (object, optional): The matplotlib axes object to plot on. If not provided, the current axes will be used. - legend_kwargs (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments for configuring the legend. Default is {“framealpha”: 1}. - scatter_kws (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments for configuring the scatter plot. Default is {}.

Returns: - xr.Dataset: The original data object.

Raises: - AssertionError: If the layer_key is not found in the data object. - AssertionError: If the feature is not found in the specified layer. - AssertionError: If the X or Y coordinates are not found in the specified layer. - AssertionError: If the number of unique feature values is greater than 10 and no color_scheme is provided. - AssertionError: If not all unique feature values are present in the provided palette.

scatter_labels(legend: bool = True, size: float = 1.0, alpha: float = 0.9, zorder: int = 10, ax=None, legend_kwargs: dict = {'framealpha': 1}, scatter_kwargs: dict = {}) Dataset

Scatter plot of labeled cells.

legendbool, optional

Whether to show the legend. Default is True.

sizefloat, optional

Size of the scatter markers. Default is 1.0.

alphafloat, optional

Transparency of the scatter markers. Default is 0.9.

zorderint, optional

The z-order of the scatter markers. Default is 10.

axmatplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

The axes on which to plot the scatter. If not provided, the current axes will be used.

legend_kwargsdict, optional

Additional keyword arguments for configuring the legend. Default is {“framealpha”: 1}.

scatter_kwargsdict, optional

Additional keyword arguments for configuring the scatter plot.


The modified spatialproteomics object.

show(render_image: bool = True, render_segmentation: bool = False, render_labels: bool = False, ax=None, legend_image: bool = True, legend_segmentation: bool = True, legend_label: bool = True, background: str = 'black', downsample: int = 1, legend_kwargs: dict = {'framealpha': 1}, segmentation_kwargs: dict = {}, label_kwargs: dict = {}) Dataset

Display an image with optional rendering elements. Can be used to render intensities, segmentation masks and labels, either individually or all at once.

Parameters: - render_image (bool): Whether to render the image with channel intensities. Default is True. - render_segmentation (bool): Whether to render segmentation. Default is False. - render_labels (bool): Whether to render labels. Default is False. - ax: The matplotlib axes to plot on. If None, the current axes will be used. - legend_image (bool): Whether to show the channel legend. Default is True. - legend_segmentation (bool): Whether to show the segmentation legend (only becomes relevant when dealing with multiple segmentation layers, e. g. when using cellpose). Default is False. - legend_label (bool): Whether to show the label legend. Default is True. - background (str): Background color of the image. Default is “black”. - downsample (int): Downsample factor for the image. Default is 1 (no downsampling). - legend_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for configuring the legend. Default is {“framealpha”: 1}. - segmentation_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for rendering the segmentation. Default is {}. - label_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for rendering the labels. Default is {}.

Returns: - obj (xr.Dataset): The modified dataset object.

Raises: - AssertionError: If no rendering element is specified.

Note: - This method displays an image with optional rendering elements such as intensities, labels, and segmentation. - The render_intensities, render_labels, and render_segmentation parameters control which rendering elements are displayed. - The ax parameter allows specifying a specific matplotlib axes to plot on. If None, the current axes will be used. - The show_channel_legend and show_label_legend parameters control whether to show the channel and label legends, respectively. - The legend_kwargs, segmentation_kwargs, and label_kwargs parameters allow configuring the appearance of the legend, segmentation, and labels, respectively.